Commercial Painting Lawrenceville, GA

In addition to residential painting, Southern Painting offers exterior and interior painting services for our commercial clients. We make sure to always prioritize the price, time, and quality of our work, which has allowed us to stay in business for so long. We take jobs, big or small, and always make sure to accommodate our customers’ specific needs every step of the way.

Commercial Markets

Our commercial painters leave no stone unturned

Quality commercial painting requires a deep knowledge and professionalism that is hard to come by these days. These qualities are ultimately what sets Southern Painting apart from the rest of the pack. We work hand in hand with the Supervisors and Property Managers from start to make sure every step is completed to perfection. Our estimators and project managers have over 60 combined years of paint product knowledge which is critical in helping them to always make sure the correct products and techniques are used. 

Our experts are very meticulous with every detail when looking through the specifications and prints for each project, leaving no stone unturned so there is no surprise in the middle of the project.